Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Ultimate Can Opener

Since knowing this subject was something that needed to be opened up, I have often wondered what direction this would take.

Would I share my life journey? Would I tell you of the women and girls that have confided in me before I had ever confided in them? Would there be new lives to share about in the telling of mine? Would statistics about the matter be better? Should I walk through a process of "How To's"? Do I give out my email and cell phone so people who are hurting can call me and I can embrace their pain with them? Is this for a certain generation that will spread the news and will I know how to speak to that generation? If we are going to start telling - me and do we teach children to tell? How do we teach ourselves to tell?

I am not stuck in a moment that I can't get out of (like U2 sang about). I am living this out with you one day at a time. And, I believe we will explore all of the questions posed.

But, I am praying that God will filet our hearts and souls and take out all of the parts that were never meant to be digested so that step by our times of telling...we will walk less shattered.

This made me think of my can opener. I have a can opener that I love (I love most all kitchen gadgets). My smart daughter Candice had this can opener at her house and I had to have one for myself because it was so nice. I don't mean nice in the way that it was expensive, but if it had a character, I would have to say it was in the area of congeniality. The reason I mention this quality is that when I use this can opener, it looks and feels like I am not opening the can at all. It is hand-held, so it is quiet and when I am finished, the can still looks intact. Really, it appears untouched. However, when I lift the lid, it lifts up perfectly and there are no jagged edges that could cause harm. The whole 10-second process is like a little kitchen miracle.

The other day, I opened up one too many cans of green chilies for a breakfast dish I was making and I had to hurry to run out the door for the event that was waiting for this casserole, so I placed the lid back on and threw it in the fridge. When I came home later to put it in something else, I marveled again at how this can doesn't even look like it has been opened. (It is the little things that delight me.)

Certainly, I believe the process we are going through is much bigger than the small miracles of a can opener, but without a doubt, I believe that when we move through the process with God, we will see how we can be opened up and have our insides exposed and still have smooth edges that couldn't harm us or anyone else when He is done.


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Purpose of Time to Tell...Me and You

4 years ago, I knew God was asking me to expose this topic in a way that would rattle the cages of a culture that would rather not say or would rather not know. Not so much because we are afraid, but because we have been silenced.

When I was a child, I was feisty, gregarious, adventurous, delightful (if I do say so myself & my mom would say so too so it must be true), precocious, inquisitive, not shy and quite a talker. Okay, some things never change.

And, even though I possessed all of those bold outward qualities, I still could not escape a moment in my life when a predator violated my innocence and then in what seemed like an almost forgotten footnote said to me the next day..."Don't tell anyone what happened."

I mention my personal attributes as a child with some importance because I have heard people say that predators prey on the weak, shy, soft spoken or easily intimidated. But, I was not either of those things. Well, okay, I was weak in that I was a child, but not weak in character. I mean if any child was going to tell or shout something from the roof tops...I was the kid.

But not this time.

There were no threats, I was not abducted, I still went home the next afternoon when my mother came to pick me up from this sleep over. And, because this person was part of our extended family, I would continue to see him from time to time for the rest of my life. And, to this day, he still lives without any recourse.

And, I am not alone. This is not just a story of me. It is also a story of you. Those of you who have experienced this similar violation and those of you who know someone who has.

And, today I come with the mission God placed on my heart...
To bring out into the light the things that the devil has tried to keep in the dark for centuries so we will all know who the child predators are among us. And, it begins by identifying these individuals in our own families to stop future generations from becoming prey. It is time to tell.

Think on this: Of family and friends, we know who the drug addicts are and who the alcoholics are and we don't allow our children to be left in their care, so why would we not share the knowledge of the pedophiles in our midst?

I am not intending to say that this is taking place in every family, but if it has happened to you or someone you know, will you pray with me that we will all find the way to expose this and bring it into the light so the evil one can stop using it for his agenda? (John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.")

There is so much more to share and I will continue to post. Even though I am not completely certain of step 2 in God's plan for me to begin this blog, I believe HIM and I am sure He will be faithful to accomplish much! (Gen 50:20 "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.")
